Audio Editor Master
v5.4.1.229 :: Full
أفضل برامج تحرير الصويتات
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Editor Master :: :: 14MB
:: Full
جامد جدا فى عمل الرنات
تقدر تقطع بيه اى اغنية لعمل رنات
تقدر تعمل بيه
مكس بين الاغانى
اضافة مؤثرات صوتية وتعلية الصوت
يدعم جميع الملفات
أضافة الحقوق على
الملفات الصوتية
Digitize a sound recording and save it as supported formats.
Real-time visuals: bar, waveform, spectrogram, spectrum, level meter,
# Record audio data from a microphone or any other available
input device.
# Display a waveform window of an audio file and apply
# Edit audio files visually (Cut, Copy, Delete Selection,
Delete Silence, Paste, Mix Paste, Mix From File, Edit Channel).
Apply various effects (Amplify, Compressor, Delay, Fade In and Fade
Out, Flanger, Invert, Normalize, Phaser,Reverb, Reverse, Silence,
Stretch, Vibrato, etc.).
# Apply different filters to any selected
portion of audio files (BandPass Filter, HighPass Filter, HighShelf
Filter, LowPass Filter, LowShelf Filter, Notch Filter, Peak EQ Filter).
Insert noise or silence.
# Save an audio file as the other format.
Use markers to locate the selected part or special part of the audio
# Add and edit extra information to your audio files (Album,
Artist, Comments, Copyright, Genre, Title, Year)
- قم بالتحميل وفك الضغك
- قم بالتنصيب
- شغل
- قم بأدخال السريال المرفق
- أشتغل بالنسخة
الكاملة وظبط