منتديات الحياه
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منتديات الحياه
السلام عليكم
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
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منتديات الحياه
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 Thousand Benefits of Green Peas

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
نسائم الجنة

نسائم الجنة

عدد المساهمات : 60
نقاط : 90
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/04/2011
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Thousand Benefits of Green Peas NewsImage

As a food, a plant thought to
originate from India produces a variety of cuisines. Starting from a
variety of small snacks, porridge, until the compote.
But besides it's a tasty and delicious, green beans and kecambahnya has many health benefits.
Important Nutrients
Green beans, or Phaseolus aureus
comes from the Family Leguminoseae aka legumes. Protein ******* is high
enough and a source of essential minerals, among others, calcium and
phosphorus that our bodies need.
While the fat ******* is unsaturated fatty acid, thus safe for consumption by people who have problems of overweight.
High Protein
Green beans contain high protein,
as much as 24%. In the menu of everyday society, nuts are the best
alternative source of vegetable protein. Traditionally, pregnant mothers
are often advised to consume green beans for infants born has bushy
The growth of
**** cells including hair cells requires good nutrition, especially
protein, and because the green beans are rich in protein, the desire to
have a thick-haired baby will be realized.

Calcium and phosphorus
The ******* of calcium and phosphorus in green beans beneficial for strengthening bones.
Low Fat
Very good for people who want to
avoid high fat consumption. Low fat ******* in green beans cause of food
/ beverage made from green beans are not easily rancid. Fat green beans
are composed of 73% unsaturated fatty acids and 27% saturated fatty
acids. Generally nuts contain unsaturated fats is high.
High unsaturated fat intake is important for maintaining heart health.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
For growth. Initially known as
vitamin B1 anti beri-beri. Furthermore proved that vitamin B1 is also
beneficial to assist the process of growth. Vitamin B1 deficiency can
disrupt the digestive process of food and then be bad for growth.
increasing the intake of foods that contain lots of vitamins B1, such
as green beans, pertumbuhanpun barriers can be repaired.

Increased appetite and improves digestive tract.
Indirectly this role is related to the effects of improved **** growth. The
study revealed that vitamin B1 deficiency causes gastric and intestinal
emptying time two times slower to indicate the difficulty of the
process of digestion that occur so it is likely that food can not be
absorbed properly.

Energy source
Vitamin B1 is part of a coenzyme that plays an important role in the oxidation of carbohydrates to convert into energy. Without the presence of vitamin B1 **** will have difficulty in break down carbohydrates.
Maximizing the nerve
The first signs of a lack of
vitamin B1 is the reduction of the nerve. Disrupted neural activity due
to oxidation of carbohydrates inhibited. Research on a group of people
who lack sufficient food containing vitamin B1 in a short time the
symptoms appear irritable, unable to concentrate, and less vibrant.
This is similar to the signs of stress.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Helps the absorption of protein in the ****
One theory suggests that vitamin B2 may help the absorption of protein in the ****. The presence of vitamin B2 will increase the utilization of protein so that absorption becomes more efficient.

Not inferior to peanut, kecambahnya also has benefits such as:
Antioxidants contained in it can help slow the aging process and prevent spread of cancer cells.
The ******* of vitamin E it helps increase fertility.
Very good to keep the acidity of the stomach and facilitate digestion. because it is alkaline (****).
For beauty, which helps rejuvenate and soften skin, remove black stains on the face, acne cure, nourish hair and **** slimming

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Thousand Benefits of Green Peas
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