منتديات الحياه
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منتديات الحياه
السلام عليكم
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
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منتديات الحياه
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى الحياه - عام اسلامى اجتماعى
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المنتدى مفتوح لمشاركات الزوار من مواضيع وردود ويشرفنا انضمامك لأسرتنا


 Causes and Symptoms of Brain Tumors

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
نسائم الجنة

نسائم الجنة

عدد المساهمات : 60
نقاط : 90
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/04/2011
انثى Causes and Symptoms of Brain Tumors Egypt_a-01
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مُساهمةموضوع: Causes and Symptoms of Brain Tumors   Causes and Symptoms of Brain Tumors Icon_minitimeالسبت مايو 07, 2011 4:01 pm

caused by DNA mutations in cells. Accumulation of these mutations cause
the appearance of tumors. Actually, our cells have DNA repair
mechanisms (DNA repair) and other mechanisms that cause cell damage her
by apoptosis if DNA damage is too severe. Apoptosis is an active process
of cell death characterized by chromosomal DNA cleavage, chromatin
condensation, and fragmentation of nucleus and cell itself.
Mutations that suppress the genes for these mechanisms usually can trigger cancer.

During the years 1988-1990 tereatat some 112 different types of brain
tumor patients treated at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Jakarta.
of the patients with brain tumors are indeed at first found in the
neurology clinic because it generally shows the symptoms are

In the medical community in general are well known triad of symptoms of
brain tumor headache, vomiting and papil edema found on fundus
examination. But the actual clinical symptoms of brain tumors are often
not that obvious, especially in the early phase. Brain tumors can
provide clinical symptoms vary depending on the ******** and size.
Symptoms that can be typical, but can also be blurred, so that when we are not careful can be fooled by false allegations.

Brain tumors can be about segala.usia, but generally in young adulthood
or middle age, rarely below the age of 10 years or in the **** 70. Some
experts say the incidence in men more than women, but some said there
was no difference in incidence between men and women. Common symptoms
that occur due to disturbance of cerebral function due to brain edema
and increased intracranial pressure. Specific symptoms result from
destruction and compression of nerve tissue, can include headache,
vomiting, seizures, decreased consciousness, mental disturbances, visual
disturbances and so forth.
Papil edema and other neurological deficits are usually found at a more advanced stage.

Head Pain (Headache)
Headache is usually localized, but can also comprehensive. Usually
appear on the morning after waking and lasted some time, come out
(recurrent) with irregular intervals of several minutes to several
hours. The attack is more and more frequently with shorter intervals.
This increases a great headache sufferers during coughing, sneezing or
straining (eg time of bowel movement or coitus). Pain kepaia also gain
weight when lying down, and decrease when sitting. The cause of headache
is suspected due to the pull (traction) on pain sensitive structures
such as dura, blood vessels or nerve fibers.
Headache is a symptom onset of brain tumor located in the area oksipitalis lobes.

Throw up
More rare than the headache.
Vomiting usually projectile (spray) without a preceded by nausea, and rarely occur without a headache.

Papil edema
This situation can be seen by funduscopic examination using oftalmoskop.
The picture is a blurred boundary papil, papil color became more
reddish and pale, dilated blood vessels or occasionally seemed to
falter. To know the de******ion of papil edema, we should already know
the normal papil terlcbih picture first. Cause papil edema is still
debated, but presumably due to suppression of central venous retinae.
Usually occurs when the tumor ******** or magnifying menckan likuor flow path leading to the dam and there hidrocepallus.

This occurs when the tumor was in the cerebral hemispheres and stimulate
the motor cortex. Seizures are local in nature is difficult to
distinguish from seizures due to brain lesions, while the seizure of a
general nature or general difficult to distinguish from seizures due to
But when a
seizure occurs the first time at the age of the third decade of life
should be wary of the possibility of a brain tumor.


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Causes and Symptoms of Brain Tumors
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